Trust & Security

Checkr Pay is brought to you by the same team that built Checkr - the leading background check platform trusted by tens of thousands of companies worldwide.

Learn more about our best-in-class trust and security programs. Your trust starts with our transparency.



A platform designed to instill trust in its users.

Uptime and Reliability

Checkr Pay has an uptime of 99.9% or higher.

Checkr Pay operates high availability services and infrastructure. Monitor the health of the Checkr Pay platform, and subscribe to real-time updates, by visiting our status page. 

Status Page

Product & Network Security

How we work behind the scenes to protect and secure your information.
Credential Storage
Regional Data Hosting & Storage
Failover & Disaster Recovery
Backups & Monitoring
Permissions & Access Controls
Vulnerability Management
Change Control


Systems, people, processes and controls certified and assessed through regular independent third-party audits

Service Organization Controls (Soc2) (Type II) Trust Services Principles

Service Organization Controls (SOC) reports are designed to help build trust and confidence in the services performed and controls of a service organization.

A SOC2 Type II report provides detailed information about the suitability of the design of controls and an independent auditor’s assurance opinion on the operating effectiveness of the controls.

Checkr’s SOC2 Type II examination report is available upon request by contacting our Sales Team.


ISO 27001:2013 Certification

(ISO) 27001 is a global information security standard for information security management. Checkr follows the ISO 27001 standard to continuously identify, select, maintain and improve information security controls to preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of our systems and information.

View ISO 27001 Certificate


Our products and services go through a rigorous software development life cycle that includes privacy and security by design principles as well as industry standard best practices. Every new product and service is reviewed against our internal requirements prior to release.

We do not sell your personal information, we only use it to process your payments. Our Privacy Policy describes how we handle your information when you use our website, products, and/or services. For more information, check out our Help Center.

Checkr is compliant with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). While CCPA applies to California citizens, Checkr will apply those rights to all United States consumers regardless of their state of residence or citizenship.


For questions about Trust & Security, contact our team at